• +91 8804757309
  • maakalawatiprivateiti@gmail.com
  • ITI TEMP-REF Code : TMP10215PR1710576576

about us

We Offer

Rs. 36,000

Electrician Trade

Electrician trade under CTS- Craftsman Training Scheme is one of the most popular courses. ITI electrician course is a short term professional technical course, which enables students to work on different types of electrical wiring and equipment. This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of the necessary electrical fields. Under this course, students are given a good knowledge of Electrical equipment, Wiring, safety in the electrical field, and other technical details. You are given Practical and Theoretical Knowledge of Electrical Field.

Rs. 36,000

Fitter Trade

Fitter trade under CTS- Craftsman Training Scheme is one of the most popular courses. ITI Fitter is a short term professional technical course, In which you are taught about different types of fittings. It is a mechanical branch in which you are given the knowledge to fit different types of machines, pipes, structures. Pipe fittings, Machine fitting, and structure fittings are the main working areas, on which a fitter works. It is a highly job oriented course and the chances of getting a good job are very high.

Freequently Asked Question

Maa Kalawati Private Industrial Training Institute’s mission is to provide opportunities of holistic development of the trainees.
Maa Kalawati ITI offers both online and offline admission facilities. You can choose the option as per your convenience.
Are you an aspiring ITI student in Bihar? The Bihar Student Credit Card Yojna is here to empower you.

Bihar Student Credit Card scheme is a state-funded scheme for students in Bihar, that helps financially deprived students pursue their higher education. Launched in 2016, Bihar Student Credit Card scheme is a part of the Mukhyamantri Nishchay Swayam Sahayata Bhata Yojana (MNSSBY).

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SC/ST, Monorities and OBC scholarship provided for students every year in the institution through Goverment of Bihar. please visit state website to see scholarship amount. Apply Now

Apply for scholarship

SC/ST, Monorities and OBC scholarship provided for students every year in the institution through Goverment of Bihar.

विभाग के संयुक्त सचिव गजेन्द्र मिश्रा की ओर से जारी आदेश में कहा गया है कि केंद्र सरकार ने ITI के Engineering & Non-Engineering छात्रों के लिए वार्षिक प्रशिक्षण शुल्क तय किया है।

इसके तहत Engineering के लिए 26,000 और Non -Engineering के लिए 21, 200 तय किया गया है।

उन्होंने बताया की राज्य सरकार(Bihar Government) Engineering ट्रेड में पढ़ने वाले छात्रों को 10,400 रुपये और Non -Engineering को 8,480 रुपये छात्रवृत्ति यानि Scholarship देगी।

वहीं इस फीस की बाकी रकम Scholarship के तौर पर  Central Government की ओर से वहन की जाएगी।

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Apply for student credit card

Are you an aspiring ITI student in Bihar? The Bihar Student Credit Card Yojna is here to empower you.

Bihar Student Credit Card scheme is a state-funded scheme for students in Bihar, that helps financially deprived students pursue their higher education. Launched in 2016, Bihar Student Credit Card scheme is a part of the Mukhyamantri Nishchay Swayam Sahayata Bhata Yojana (MNSSBY).

ITI छात्रों को मिलने वाले लाभ

  • a. संस्थान का सम्पूर्ण प्रशिक्षण शुल्क
  • b. ₹ 35,000/लैपटॉप के लिए (छात्र के बैंक खाते में)
  • c. ₹3,000 प्रतिमाह 24 माह तक रहने-खाने के लिए (छात्र के बैंक खाते में)
  • d. ₹10,000 प्रतिवर्ष 2 वर्ष तक स्टेशनरी के लिए (छात्र के बैंक खाते में)

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Apply for Session 2024 - 2026

Grab this golden opportunity to get admission under SNQ seat, General Merit, Minority, OBC & SC / ST quota seats with attractive fee concession only for merit students.